Chair Massage – Destined to be the Most Appreciated Sponsorship at Your Trade Show
A Chair Massage Sponsorship is a great way to say thanks to your valued attendees and exhibitors.
Chair massage has proven since the 90's that it is a legitimate and effective trade show giveaway. Attendees love it, and it provides a real benefit for them as well. It will be a most valued and appreciated attraction at your convention.

20-Minute Vacation trade show sponsorship
When your association sponsors the chair massage.
You can use massage to increase traffic flow to a split hall or a dead area in the convention hall. You could offer chair massage before the show opens during registration and continue it throughout the show. You could use it at spouse events or at exhibit hall receptions. You could offer it in separate hospitality rooms in the exhibit hall or hotel. A Chair massage sponsorship works beautifully with any trade show or convention population whether it be consumer or industry, food, electronics, computer, medical, gaming, software or manufacturing. Massage is a universal attraction. Offer it and attendees will come – guaranteed.
If you've never offered chair massage at your convention; you might consider sponsoring it yourself the first year, and you'll be sure to attract a sponsor for the following year.

Chair Massage Sponsorship at the 2002 Exhibitor Show in Las Vegas
When you sell a chair massage sponsorship to an exhibitor.
Offer the sponsorship in your Exhibitor Prospectus. Decide in advance exactly where in the exhibit hall or public area it will be located. A high traffic area is necessary for it to succeed. Make it clear exactly what the sponsor will receive: chair massage therapists, appropriate signage and furniture, signup desk, matching massage chairs, electric foot massagers and an optional greeter/supervisor. The one thing that is needed to make the sponsorship a success is activity. If it's in a high traffic area, and if it is produced and organized professionally it will become a powerful magnet for convention attendees, thereby greatly benefiting the massage sponsor.
Where to Locate Your Sponsorship?
We feel that most exhibitors would like to offer their sponsorship in the exhibit hall. Associations often place a lounge in the exhibit hall with water, coffee, comfortable chairs and carpeting. This could easily become a chair massage sponsorship with the addition of signage and the massage elements. If an area in the exhibit hall is not available then a highly trafficked space just outside the exhibit hall would also work well.
Finally, make sure you promote the sponsorship in the pre-show literature, on your website and at the show.
20-Minute Vacation can provide all the elements for a professional massage presentation. Chair massage therapists, Customized Relaxation Audio, electric foot massagers, matching massage chairs and a greeter/supervisor. Your association or the sponsor will need to provide the signage, furniture refreshments, etc.