Our Full Service Chair Massage Package for Trade Show Exhibits and Massage Sponsorships
When You Want to Offer the Best. You may have a small exhibit with little space for your massage offering, or you may not have the budget for our full service package. In that case we are happy to just provide our massage therapists and electric foot massagers. But if you want to offer a more polished, professional package you'll appreciate our Full-Service package.
We'll help you create a relaxation zone in your exhibit.
Customized Relaxation Audio. Offer your visitors a chair massage with a relaxing guided meditation. We'll produce a 7 ½ minute audio which contains: a 1 ½ minute introduction and marketing message (which you'll need to write) – A 6-minute guided meditation – And a short closing, all with soft music in the background.

Our matching massage chairs will be in tune with your carefully designed exhibit
Matching Massage Chairs. Chair massage companies like ours which provide service nationwide hire therapists as independent contractors and these massage therapists bring their own massage chairs to each assignment. So the massage chairs will not be color or brand match. A rainbow of different colors may be interesting, but not in your carefully designed exhibit. We know that exhibit aesthetics are important to you so we can ship you black and silver Earthlite® portable massage chairs if you like.

Attendees get their feet massaged while waiting for their chair massage
Electric Foot Massagers. And if you want to take full advantage of the period of time that attendees will be waiting for their massage, you'll appreciate the electric foot massages we'll ship to your show. You'll provide a waiting area adjacent to the massage stations, and one comfortable chair and one electrical outlet for each foot massager. We'll provide all the foot massagers you need. Then you can screen and pre-qualify your visitors while they wait.
Greeter/Supervisor. With this package you might want to add the optional greeter/supervisor. This person would arrive at the show the afternoon before it opens and set up the massage chairs, electric foot massagers and supervise the furniture move in. During the show they will run the sign-up desk, supervise the massage therapists and answer questions from the attendees. When the show closes the supervisor will pack up everything, fill out the bill of lading and make sure everything's ready for pickup and shipping.

We can provide a greeter to work the sign-up desk
Let's work together:
We'll provide the matching chairs, foot massagers, matching t-shirts, "Relax with Us" screening form and the greeter/supervisor, and you provide the furniture, stanchions, sign-in desk and signage. This will result in a very professional chair massage presentation.